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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Birth of Max Edd Fry

Sunday morning, March 7, 2010, I began having contractions, just one every hour or so. I knew that this could go on for days, so I wasn't concerned about going into labor anytime soon. Micah and I got up that morning, got dressed and went to church. Ava was in Paris for the weekend, so we had plans to just take it easy all day. I continued to have small contractions every hour, but nothing major. We decided to have Ava come home since we had no idea when the baby would come. Micah's parents brought her home around 6 Sunday evening, and I was still having contractions about every hour. As soon as they left, though, my contractions went from every hour to every 30 minutes. Then my water broke, and the contractions went from 30 minutes to 10 minutes, then to 5. And they hurt! We called his parents and my mom and asked them all to come to our house and they did. As soon as my mom got to the house Micah and I left for the hospital, a long and bumpy 30 minute drive. It was not that enjoyable for me! When we got to the hospital we went to the ER and were taken back to labor and delivery. My contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and painful, but were manageable as long as I was standing up or walking around. When we got into the room, they made me lie in the bed so the nurse could check things out. They did determine that my water had broke, but I was still only about 2 cm dilated and the baby was very high. Because of this they made me stay in bed because walking around could cause the cord to prolapse. I had gone into the hospital wanting a natural birth-no meds-but once they told me I couldn't move around, I knew that was out the window. I wanted the epidural. This was about 10:00 Sunday night. I labored until about 2 am and finally got the epidural. I lasted that long without any other drugs, so I was glad. I didn't want any narcotics this time like I had with Ava, and I didn't get any. That made this labor and delivery soooo much better!

Having a contraction before the epidural.

At the time of the epidural, I was about 3 cm and having regular contractions. After the epi, I felt great and we slept. I was checked about 5 am and was progressing, 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced and the baby had dropped quite a bit. I wasn't checked again until about 7:30 Monday morning, and even then the nurse wasn't going to, but she noticed the baby's HR dropping when I had contractions. She checked and was shocked that I was 10 cm, 100% effaced, and the baby was right there! We woke Micah up, she put me in stirrups, and called the doctor. I started pushing about 8 and the baby didn't like it very much. He was born at 8:38 am March 8, 2010. The cord was wrapped around his neck, which was why he wasn't crazy about contractions and pushing. He's fine, though, and so am I! He weighed in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long. We named him Max Edd because Max is a name that Micah and I both liked, and Edd is Micah's grandfather's name. Our last name is Fry, so we figured we would let him have it too, just to make it easy.

After the delivery, I was hungry!

Nana and Granpa with Max

Grammy and Ava with Max. She was very unsure of him at first.

Ava and Max at home. Once we got him home, she really warmed up to him. She runs around the house yelling "Baby! Baby!" and tries to give him his pacifier all the time.

Sorry there aren't more pictures. With Ava, when we got to the hospital I wasn't having any contractions and I felt fine so we thought about taking pictures. Not this time! I'll post more later, though.


T'auna said...

Nice job Jennifer!

Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

Thanks for the post...Ava looks so sweet!

ascasta said...

Oh I'm so happy to finally see him!! Congratulations!