Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


We've been staying busy and having lots of fun so far this summer!  Ava has taken swim lessons, we've had a week of VBS, and the kids have gone to Nana and Grandpa's house several times.  We are getting ready for the new baby to arrive sometime in the next few weeks.  Ava and Max yell at my belly just about every day saying "New baby come out!!"  One day it will work!


We finally hooked up the portacool.  It makes such a difference!

Playing at the shed

Holding one of the kittens at Nana and Grandpas

And Ava has discovered how fun makeup can be!

Max is Batman.  Thanks to Amy and Jorge for letting us hang out at their house while Micah was at the stock show.

37 weeks pregnant

I probably won't be blogging anymore until the new baby arrives, which will hopefully be sometime in the next 2-3 weeks!!